Our expertise in Greenhouse and Hydroponic System Design will assist to deliver a professional design service for protected cropping systems.

A Design and Construct Process (D&C) can assist the grower/investor to consider all the necessary steps in the development of a modern greenhouse system (Step 1: Concept to Step 6: Production). The protected cropping industry is increasingly technology driven to compel production and quality advantages and the necessary investment levels require serious assessment as to their suitability for a particular location, crop and system design.

The following D&C steps will guide you through a typical process to ensure a project is both technically valid and financially sound. A project 'Stop & Go' is inserted after each major step for the grower or investor to consider if further step assessments are necessary or warranted.

STEP 1: Initial Basic Site Assessment (self‐assessment)

  • Is there a local or export market or marketing plan for the intended produce? Yes/No (crucial to secure a supply agreement early in the process)
  • Is site suitable for greenhouse alignment and profiling? Yes/No
  • Is local, state or national government approval required? Yes/No
  • Has a financial plan been developed for project? Yes/No
  • Is high‐quality water with sufficient quantity available? Yes/No
  • Is high‐quality power with sufficient quantity available? Yes/No
  • Are suitable roads available for construction and produce transport? Yes/No
  • Is sufficient local labour available? Yes/No
  • Is suitable heating fuel available? Yes/No (Natural Gas, LPG, Coal, Biomass, other?) .............................

Stop or Go?

STEP 2: Preliminary Project Assessment Services (price and further details on application)

  • Detailed Climate Assessment Study (calculates required technology and key metrics for ROI study)
  • Initial Financial Feasibility Study (based on climate study & industry norms, inc. ROI and EBIT)
  • Initial Project Concept Design (footprint plan view highlighting basic metrics of greenhouse development resources)
  • Assistance with Marketing Plan and Product Development (guidelines on product marketing options)
  • Visit to Client's Location (for detailed site appraisal and suitability assessment, not included for international locations)

Stop or Go?

STEP 3: Detailed D&C Services (price and further details on application)

  • Detailed Project Design (with detailed production system technical specifications)
  • Detailed Request for Quotations Document (directed to proven national and international technology suppliers)
  • Detailed Project Costings Document (comparative spreadsheet study of all received offers)
  • Finalised Financial Feasibility Study (completed initial ROI document from Step 2)
  • Familiarisation Visits to Australian Greenhouse Site/s (view similar crop/technology if available at own cost)

Stop or Go?

STEP 4: Contract Development

  • Detailed Project D&C Contract
  • Detailed Inclusions, Exclusions and Warranties
  • Detailed GSC Responsibilities
  • Detailed client responsibilities

Stop or Go?

STEP 5: Contract Signing

  • Sign Contract
  • Transfer Agreed Project Funds
  • Detailed Construction Timeline (Gantt Chart)

STEP 6: Project Construction

  • Order Project Technology
  • Deliver Technology To Nearest Port and/or Site
  • Construct Greenhouse Project
  • Commission Greenhouse Project

STEP 7: Optional Professional Services

(price and further details on application)

  • Project Supervision
  • Project Management
  • Staff and Management Training
  • Crop Agronomy
  • OH&S Advice and Training
  • Post Harvest Treatment
  • Climate Management Training
  • Irrigation And Fertigation Training
  • Pest & Disease Management Training
  • Other training

Training packages including any or all above topics are available on request.

This D&C process is designed to ensure a greenhouse development can proceed with confidence and professionalism and cover all the necessary steps required for a technically sound and financially valid project. Each step would involve ongoing client consultation to ensure each stage of the process proceeds with full knowledge and prior agreement by the client.

Graeme Smith Consulting invites your participation in a D&C Process for your greenhouse project and will answer any questions you may have regarding any of the above steps.

Example - Vine Crop Media PlanExample 2 - Vine Crop NFT Channel Plan

System Design 1System Design 2
The D&C process will ensure your system meets all contemporary design specifications for both hydroponic and greenhouse systems. To date Graeme Smith Consulting has been involved in over 40 projects in Australia and overseas. These projects have included a wide range of industry production systems including media based, NFT, DFT, F&D and aquaponics, etc. from simple to very complex technology systems.

Contact us to discuss your design needs for your project.